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The death of high blood pressure - it is cervical spondylosis!
Click:次  Time:2015-01-08 14:24:05

A lot of people think cervical spondylosis refractory pain too, though, but it won't kill people, not a deadly disease. Actually this view is wrong. Cervical spondylosis can cause cervical heart syndrome: show the area before the heart pain, chest tightness, arrhythmia. such as premature beat and electrocardiogram ST segment changes, easy to be misdiagnosed as coronary heart disease (CHD). Needlessly take medicine treatment, the damage to his own heart and blood vessels.Is more serious is that patients with cervical spondylosis can cause high blood pressure or lower, in which blood pressure is, referred to as the "neck" blood.Due to cervical spondylosis and hypertension are common diseases in the elderly, hence they often coexist.
How much heart cerebrovascular disease caused by high blood pressure in patients with cerebral hemorrhage death causes damage, only high blood pressure, disease at its root, many dying patients have not realized that he died of cervical spondylosis, rather than high blood pressure.
Susceptibility to cervical spondylosis of three kinds of people:
1, bottom stuck chair: office workers, computer professionals, will remember, writers and other long-term volt case workers.
2, occupational disease hazard: the teacher, driver, assembly-line workers and so on more than five hours a day to keep a posture, half a day, not easy to produce bone hyperplasia.
3, who had come: 40, 50, the elderly, I don't know what's the cause of the cervical spondylosis becomes, the reason is that for years to break down from constant overwork, and exercise less, build natural physiological aging bone, muscle strain.
Cervical spondylosis harm not only in the cervical spine:
1, swallowing disorder: when swallowing obstruction and esophageal foreign body sensation, a few people have nausea, vomiting, hoarseness, dry cough, chest tightness and other symptoms.
2, visual impairment: show the vision decline, eye strain, afraid of light, tears, the size of the pupil, appear even narrow field of vision and vision, blind individual patients can also occur.
3, neck heart syndrome: show the area before the heart pain, chest tightness, arrhythmia. such as premature beat and electrocardiogram ST segment changes, easy to be misdiagnosed as coronary heart disease.
4, high blood pressure, cervical spondylosis, can cause high blood pressure or lower, in which blood pressure is, referred to as the "neck" blood.Due to cervical spondylosis and hypertension are common diseases in the elderly, hence they often coexist.
5, chest pain, show the slow onset of stubborn sex unilateral pectoralis major and breast pain, check with pectoralis major tenderness.
6, lower limb paralysis: early performance for lower limb numbness, pain, limping, some patients were walking like a feeling of cotton, individual patients can also be associated with disorders of defecation and urination, such as frequency, urgency, micturition not free or incontinence, etc.
7, cataplexy, often appear when standing or walking for a sudden twist body lose support and cataplexy, could quickly alert after fall on the ground, not accompanied by disturbance of consciousness, also without sequelae.
sensation, a few people have nausea, vomiting, hoarseness, dry cough, chest tightness and other symptoms.
8, visual impairment: show the vision decline, eye strain, afraid of light, tears, the size of the pupil, appear even narrow field of vision and vision, blind individual patients can also occur.
9, neck heart syndrome: show the area before the heart pain, chest tightness, arrhythmia. such as premature beat and electrocardiogram ST segment changes, easy to be misdiagnosed as coronary heart disease.

10, high blood pressure, cervical spondylosis, can cause high blood pressure or lower, in which blood pressure is, referred to as the "neck" blood.Due to cervical spondylosis and hypertension are common diseases in the elderly, hence they often coexist.

There are seven kinds of common pathogens of cervical spondylosis harm:
Cervical spondylosis harm one: the sub-health, premature aging, mood swings, seriously affect the quality of work life.
Cervical spondylosis harm two: insidious onset, early metaphase neglected, late have collapsed.
Three: cervical spondylosis harm is caused by unstable blood pressure and cardio-cerebrovascular diseases and chronic ent diseases.
Four: cervical spondylosis harm caused have a headache, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, poor memory, slow, etc.
Five: cervical spondylosis harm caused flustered, chest tightness, shortness of breath, hiccups, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, etc.
Cervical spondylosis harm six: more than 90% of the climacteric syndrome, plant nerve function disorder symptoms.
Seven: cervical spondylosis harm caused by chronic stomach pain, gastrointestinal dysfunction.
Cervical spondylosis has 9 big serious consequences:
1, stroke, stroke patients more than 90% have cervical spondylosis, many people are still not clear this reason after stroke.
2, insomnia, neurasthenia: through clinical observation in such conditions, with 70% of people caused by cervical spondylosis.
3, all of a sudden attack of vertigo: is mainly caused by vertebral artery oppression, suddenly fainted often leads to serious consequences.
4, a serious loss, memory: for vertebral artery caused by cervical vertebra oppression, serious can secondary cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.
5, neck stiffness cannot turn cervical spondylopathy vertebral degeneration, ligament calcification can lead to limited neck activity.
6, plant nerve function disorder, compression vertebral frontal bone after esophageal wall or irritate surrounding soft tissue reaction.
7, upper limb pain weakness: caused by intervertebral oppressive nerve root, can impact on both sides of the body at the same time, rapid development.
8, paraplegic: cervical bone hyperplasia, bone spur oppression of cervical nerve roots and spinal cord, leading to the onset of paralysis.
9, deafness, stimulate or oppression by cervical sympathetic postganglionic fibre, often associated with blurred vision, etc.

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